Thursday, October 13, 2011

"Heaven Is My Home, Doubtless...

...but Halifax is my haven."  That line from Canadian poet Bliss Carman has been a favourite of mine for exactly ten years.  And I sure am happy to be back in my haven.  For that was one long trip back.  Our flight from Budapest to Frankfurt was delayed 1.5 hours, and our layover in Frankfurt was only 1 hour to begin with.  So we missed that flight.  Everything in Frankfurt was backed up, due probably to a possible impending strike by air traffic controllers.  No available flights to Canada anymore that day.  So Lufthansa put us up in a 5-star Hilton.  Then today we flew to London and then directly to Halifax, though that last flight also ran late.  Two treats today: when flying into London we were able to see Wimbledon's grounds, and flying to Canada we took the "north route" and were able to see Greenland.

The funny story in the Frankfurt airport is that simply because we had come from Budapest, an airport staff person asked us to lead a Hungarian family and an elderly Romanian couple (the 2 parties didn't know each other) through the airport workings.  So we became this merry band of travelers, none of whom could understand each other, and all that in a German airport.  How we managed to help them, I'll never know, but it seemed to all work out.  The family had 3 boys, and they latched on to Lian - sound familiar?

Seeing Asher was a joy.  He keeps hugging us.

With so much thankfulness for the last 2 weeks,


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